# Mongoose web server configuration file. # For detailed description of every option, visit # https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose # Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are ignored. # To make a change, remove leading '#', modify option's value, # save this file and then restart Mongoose. # access_control_list # access_log_file #auth_domain informaticapucv.cl # cgi_interpreter # cgi_pattern **.cgi$|**.pl$|**.php$ # dav_auth_file # dav_root # debug 0 document_root . # enable_directory_listing yes # error_log_file # extra_headers # extra_mime_types # global_auth_file # hide_files_patterns # hexdump_file # index_files index.html,index.htm,index.shtml,index.cgi,index.php listening_port 80 # run_as_user # ssi_pattern **.shtml$|**.shtm$ # ssl_certificate # ssl_ca_certificate start_browser yes # url_rewrites